San Matías Jalatlaco

Region: Central Valleys
Church construction date: 17th century, rebuilt 1713 and 1754
Organ construction date: 1866
Organ builder: Pedro Nibra (Oaxaca)
Last played: currently in use
Organ classification:
8´ stationary organ
Tonal base: 8´ principal
Pitch: a= 396 Hz, almost equal temperament
Case measurements: height 4.46 m, width upper and lower case 1.99 m, width lower case with hips 2.91 m, depth 1.15 m
Keyboard: 56 notes C – g’’’, LH chromatic, registers divided c’/c#’
Bellows: reservoir bellows located to the right side of the organ
Similar organs: Santa María Reoloteca Tehuantepec (1864), Santa Cruz Amilpas (1884)

Restoration: 2016, organ restoration by the Gerhard Grenzing Company (El Papiol, Spain), case and façade pipe restoration by the USANZA company (Eric González); financed by the Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca Foundation, the community of Jalatlaco, and the IOHIO. The project was initiated and organized by the IOHIO. (See Jalatlaco Restoration)

The organ of San Matías Jalatlaco is an excellent example of 19th-century Oaxaca organ building in its mechanics, stop list, and case construction. It is the only professionally restored Oaxaca organ from the 19th century; all other playable instruments date from the 18th century. The extended keyboard and the “nearly equal” temperament allow for a broader range of repertoire; because of this, the Jalatlaco organ is played often. The façade decoration reveals the initials of the organ builder, Pedro Nibra, and perhaps his own face carved into the central pipe shade. Repairs and modifications in 1880 included painting the organ blue and canceling the horizontal reed stop (clarín). The reservoir bellows are the first documented in Oaxaca. 


Left hand: 25 notes C-c’
1. Clarín (Bajoncillo) 4´
2. Flautado mayor 8´
3. Octava 4´
4. Docena 2 2/3´
5. Quincena 2´
6. Tapadillo 4´
7. Trompeta real 8´

Right hand: 31 notes c#’-g’’’
1. Clarín 8´
2. Flautado mayor 8´
3. Octava 4´
4. Docena 2 2/3´
5. Quincena 1° 2´
6. Tapadillo 4´
7. Quincena 2° 2´