San Melchor Betaza

Region: Sierra Norte Zapoteca
Church construction date: early 18th century (bell 1741)
Organ construction date: ca. 1835
Organ builder: unknown
Last played: early twentieth century?
Organ classification: 8´ stationary organ
Tonal base: 8´ principal
Pitch: unknown
Case measurements: height 4.06 m, width upper and lower case 1.87 m, width lower case with one hip 2.33 m, depth 0.94m
Keyboard: missing, but it had 45 notes with a short octave, registers divided c'/c#'
Bellows: three leather wedge bellows piled up behind the organ
Similar organs: The organ is almost identical to that of the nearby community of Yatzachi el Alto, dated 1835.

The organ of San Melchor Betaza was once a noble instrument with fine neoclassical decorative carvings. The full rank of the clarín reed stop was displayed across the facade. It was painted blue sometime after its construction, as evidenced by the original paper labels under the paint. An inventory in 1929 refers to the organ in “regular condition.” Unfortunately, the organ is badly deteriorated and damaged by woodworm.


Left hand: 21 notes C-c’ with a short octave
1. Clarín 4´ (bajoncillo)
2. Flautado mayor 8´
3. Octava (general) 4´
4. Docena 2 2/3´
5. Quincena 2´
6. Tapadillo 4´
7. Trompeta real 8´

Right hand: 24 notes c#'-c'''
1. Clarín 8´
2. Flautado mayor 8´
3. Octava 4´
4. Docena 2 2/3´
5. Quincena 2´
6. Tapadillo 4´
7. Veintidocena 1´?