San Andrés Sinaxtla

Region: Mixteca Alta
Church construction date: 18th century
Organ construction date: 1791
Organ builder: unknown
Last played: 1970s by the brothers David and Isaac Victoria Carreón (Sinaxtla)
Organ classification: 4´ stationary organ
Tonal base:
flautado mayor 4´
Pitch: a=415 Hz, raised to 440 Hz
Case measurements: height 4.06 m, width lower case 1.54 m, width lower case with hips 2.37 m, width upper case 1.98 m, depth 0.82 m
Keyboard: 45 notes C-c''' with a short octave, registers divided c'/c#'
Bellows: reservoir bellows to the left of the organ (replacement)
Similar organs: Tejupan (1776) (donor similarly recognized), Tlacolula (1792)

The organ of San Andrés Sinatla is dated 1791, which situates it on the cusp of the baroque and neoclassic styles of church art in Oaxaca. Characteristics of both are evident in the upper case with elaborate baroque-style cornices connected to neoclassical-style columns. Although it is a 4´ organ, the case was heightened to allow space for the suspended key action, but also to make it look more imposing. Inscribed across the façade are the name of the donor, the cost of the construction, and the date of its inauguration: “Jacinta de la Cruz p. manda de su marido Marcelo de la Cruz ofreció este órgano el que costó 750 pesos Se estrenó el día 22 de maio del año de 1791 a.”. The donor is glorified, but the organ builder is not acknowledged. The organ was seriously modified ca. 1950 to make it sound more pianistic and romantic, perhaps on the recommendation of the Victoria brothers. The reeds were canceled, the pipes were crudely cut to eliminate the short octave and raise the pitch to 440 Hz, the façade pipes were painted silver, and the organ keys were replaced with plastic-covered piano keys.


Left hand: 21 notes C-c'
(Bajoncillo 4´ canceled)
1. Flautado mayor 4´
2. Octava 2´
3. Quincena 1´
4. Docena 1 1/3´ (half register)
5. Docena 1 1/3´ (half register)
6. (Trompeta Real 8´ canceled)

Right hand: 24 notes c#’-c’’’
(Clarín 8´ canceled)
1. Flautado mayor 4´
2. Octava 2´
3. Quincena 1´
4. Octava (clara) 2´
5. Docena 1 1/3´
6. (“Resfuerso” Octava 2° 2´canceled)