


Field trips to document and conserve the organs

  • Carmen de Abajo Feb.
  • Tamazulapan May 4
  • Yanhuitlan May 25
  • Huayapam July 20
  • Patrocinio July 21
  • Teposolula July 28
  • Tinú July 31
  • Teotitlán del Valle Aug. 31
  • Tamazulapan Sept. 1
  • Quiatoni Sept. 13
  • Jalatlaco Sept. 23
  • Tlacolula Sept. 27

Evaluation of the following organs by organbuilders Gerhard Grenzing and Andreas Fuchs:

  • Tinu Oct. 23
  • Tlacolula Oct. 24
  • Huayapam Oct. 26
  • Jalatlaco Oct. 27
  • Cathedral and La Soledad Oct. 28

12 Concerts

  • Flute and harpsichord concert by Horacio Franco and Santiago Álvarez in Sto. Domingo Ocotlán to commemorate the 10° anniversary of the death of the painter Rodolfo Morales, facilitated by the IOHIO, Jan. 3.
  • Organ concert by Cicely Winter in la Basílica de la Soledad with René Pérez, percussion, featuring Oaxacan folk music, Feb. 12.
  • Organ concert by Joel Vásquez in Tlacochahuaya, April 17.
  • Mass and choral concert directed by Joel Vásquez featuring the local scholarship students for the annual fiesta in Tamazulapan, May 4.
  • Organ concert by Cicely Winter with Valentín Hernández, percussion, featuring Oaxacan folk music for the annual town fiesta, Santo Domingo Yanhuitlan May 28.
  • Organ concert by Joel Vásquez in Yanhuitlán for the annual town fiesta, May 29.
  • Organ concert by Joel Vásquez in the Oaxaca Cathedral, July 23.
  • Organ concert by Joel Vásquez in the Basílica de la Soledad for Oaxacan Pensioners, August 1.
  • Organ concert by Cicely Winter, featuring Oaxacan folk music in celebration of Santa María de la Natividad, Tamazulapan, Sept. 7.
  • Concert by young Oaxacan artists Margarita Santiago Ricardez, organ and Diego Calderón, trombone, in the Oaxaca Cathedral, Sept. 9.
  • Concert of the ensemble "Eblen Macari" in the Capilla del Rosario del Centro Académico y Cultural San Pablo as part of the cultural activities of the "XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro Oaxaca 2011",  Nov. 9.
  • Flute and harpsichord concert by Horacio Franco and Santiago Álvarez in the Paraninfo de la Facultad de Derecho, UABJO, as part of the cultural activities of the "XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro Oaxaca 2011", Nov. 13.


  • “Los órganos históricos de Oaxaca: una manifestación cultural poco conocida del patrimonio nacional” by Cicely Winter, presented to the Group “Empresarios y Ejecutivos de Oaxaca”, Feb. 16.
  • “El órgano de Teotitlán de Flores Magón en el contexto de la organería oaxaqueña”, by Cicely Winter, presented during the “3° Semana de las culturas de la Cañada”, May 9.

Continuing Education

  • David Antonio Reyes works in the organbuilding shop of Gerhard Grenzing, el Papiol, Barcelona, Spain,

          Feb. 28 - July 20.

  • David Antonio Reyes and Joel Vásquez González work with the Grenzing Organ Company, dismantling the Epistle Organ in the Mexico City Cathedral, (David Nov. 7- Dec. 3; Joel Nov. 7 - 19)

The IOHIO work team