31 field trips to document and conserve the organs
11 Concerts
- Organ concert of Oaxacan folk music by Cicely Winter in Tlacochahuaya, in memory of Don Andrés Henestrosa, organized by the Casa de la Cultura de Oaxaca, Jan. 19.
- Piano concert by Cicely Winter in Huajuapan de León in honor of the IX anniversary of the Museo Regional de Huajupan de León, Jan. 20.
- Twenty-second piano concert by friends of the IOHIO Music Academy, Miguel Angel Rivera, Centro Cultural Santo Domingo (CCSD), Feb. 10.
- Twenty-third piano concert by friends of the IOHIO Music Academy, Cecilia Cirión (Mexico City), CCSD, Apr. 6.
- Piano concert by Cicely Winter in the church of Santa María de la Natividad Tamazulapan for the Mayordomía, May 4.
- Organ didactic concert by Cicely Winter in Tlacochahuaya for a folk art tour from the U.S., July 23.
- Organ concert of Oaxacan folk music by Cicely Winter in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, July 27.
- Organ and vocal concert in the Basílica de la Soledad, Melina López, soprano, and Rogelio Bonilla, organ,
Aug 22.
- Organ concert of Oaxacan folk music by Cicely Winter with the Chorus of the City of Oaxaca in the Oaxaca Cathedral, sponsored by the Oaxaca Municipal Government, Sept 13.
- Organ concert in the Oaxaca Cathedral, Ricardo Rodys and Joel Vásquez, Dec. 14.
- Presentation of Christmas organ music in the Oaxaca Cathedral, Cicely Winter, Dec. 21.
IOHIO Music Academy
- Eighth student recital of the IOHIO Music Academy, Apr 20
- Organ concert in Tamazulapan featuring the scholarship students from the community, Ricardo Rodys and Cicely Winter, for the annual town fiesta (Mayordomía), May 1.
- Closing of the IOHIO Music Academy, Aug 11.
- Ricardo Rodys “Organs and organbuilders in the Oaxaca Cathedral (1544 – 2007)” in the Fourth Colloquium of MUSICAT “Harmonia Mundi: Instruments in Spanish America in the XVI – XIX centuries,” Guadalajara,
Mar.10 - 13.
- Cicely Winter “Eighteenth Century Oaxacan Pipe Organs as Distinctive Works of Visual Art”, at the conference “Organs as Art/ organs in Art”, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), Oct. 16.
Continuing education
- Cicely Winter attends the Seventh Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative (EROI), Rochester, New York,
Oct. 18 – 20.